Do something nice for someone you care about
23th Oct⋅Created by Mahesh
Watch a documentary
21th Feb⋅Created by Ayush
Invest in cryptocurrency
12th Oct⋅Created by Diya
Contribute code or a monetary donation to an open-source software project
26th Oct⋅Created by Mahesh
Go see a Broadway production
4th Mar⋅Created by Balaji
Invite some friends over for a game night
28th Oct⋅Created by Chandan
Have a football scrimmage with some friends
5th Apr⋅Created by Kartik
Organize pantry
30th Mar⋅Created by Chukka
Clean out car
17th Jul⋅Created by Gaurav
Bake a pie with some friends
9th Mar⋅Created by Amit
Create a compost pile
24th Jan⋅Created by Gaurav
Plan a trip to another country
10th Dec⋅Created by Harsh
Improve touch typing
20th Dec⋅Created by Harsh
Learn Express.js
19th Dec⋅Created by Manish
Learn calligraphy
13th Apr⋅Created by Chandan
Memorize a poem
19th Dec⋅Created by Arjun
Watch a classic movie
22th Dec⋅Created by Himanshu
Solve a Rubik's cube
30th Dec⋅Created by Gaurav
Bake pastries for yourself and neighbor
17th Jan⋅Created by Guru
Write a thank you letter to an influential person in your life
19th Feb⋅Created by Balaji
Text a friend you haven't talked to in a long time
14th Jan⋅Created by Lakshmi
Buy a new house decoration
27th Dec⋅Created by Priya
Plan a vacation you've always wanted to take
20th Jul⋅Created by Ishan
Draw and color a Mandala
21th Nov⋅Created by Ankit
Create a cookbook with favorite recipes
6th Sep⋅Created by Chitra
Take a hike at a local park
13th Mar⋅Created by Jatin
Take a class at local community center that interests you
9th Jan⋅Created by Krishna
Research a topic interested in
3th May⋅Created by Mayank
Have a photo session with some friends
15th Feb⋅Created by Mehul
Go to the gym
9th Dec⋅Created by Akshay